Last month I shared the story of our Christmas vacation to New Orleans, and how our eleven year old daughter was paralyzed with fear because she believed we were going to be robbed and killed. What I didn’t hone in on was my own bad attitude. Well, here goes!
I whined and griped before, during and after the trip and even attempted to use manipulation to derail the plan all together. I did not defer to God’s will. I didn’t even seek it! I just let the flesh take over. And as Joanna’s panic soared, my example as a Godly woman plunged.
What could I have done differently?
First, I could have gone to God with my negative thinking BEFORE expressing it, and asked Him to replace my perspective with His. Secondly, I could have refrained from saying anything negative, enjoyed the moments, lived in the present and focused on making memories with my family. And finally, I could have thanked Him for the privilege to EVEN GO on a vacation, and the opportunity to grow in my faith in this way.
So the next time we are planning a trip, I will be mindful of my past failings and try not to repeat my old mistakes.
How’s your attitude today? How can you go about changing it for His glory?