Wisdom of a Child - Part 2

December 1, 2018 @ 10:00 AM

Young girl walking outside balancing

Remember last month I shared how taking away an eleven year old’s smart phone could enhance her spiritual life? Well, today’s story is the sequel.

Jo continued to be in a talkative mood on the ride home from Caitlyn’s, and soon after her revelation about talking to God, she blurted out, “You know Mom, I think I understand why God tells us to praise Him all the time.”

I listened in disbelief and great joy. “Why does He say that, Jo?” I asked my budding theologian. “Well, Mom He wants us to realize that no matter how bad things get, they could always be worse. Take for example yesterday when Caitlyn’s head collided with my tooth (where does she get this vocabulary?). It really hurt. ............

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