Potshots and Bandaids

October 1, 2018 @ 10:00 AM
Tree outside during sunset
Here is another beautiful devotion from my sweet friend, Roz Turner. May you be blessed.
"No more Potshots and Band-Aids! ... I'm tired of them! ... what's REALLY going
on here?" Similar words I'd heard from my husband, Steve more than once when
I was (to him) 'majoring on the minors.' Making a BIG ADO about something that
was a BOLDER to me but only a pebble to him. I felt like he trivialized the monumental
~ while ~ he thought I overstated the obvious! Yes, opposites attract! He's only had to
use the words 'Potshots and Band-Aids' once, but that's all it took. They are profound
words with fallow-ground-plowing results. OUCH!
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